Wells Fargo Credit Connect
A simpler way to process your applications and transactions
Transcript: Have you heard about Wells Fargo Credit Connect?
Have you heard about Wells Fargo Credit Connect?
It's an easy to use financing tool.
It works on your digital devices, and lets you process credit applications and transactions from one place.
It's a digital way to process credit applications.
Credit Connect sends customer's financial info securely to Wells Fargo.
Best of all, you can put it to work, where you work...
...at your place of business and on the go.
Here's how you use it.
After signing on, hand your device over to your customer.
They'll need to enter their email address and a few other pieces of personal information.
Once they're done, your customer taps the submit button - easy right?
Well Fargo will follow up by sending them the terms and conditions and account agreement in an email.
Your customer will typically get an immediate credit decision after submitting their application.
If approved, you can either Authorize and Charge, which lets you immediately charge your customer's account,
or Authorize for a future delivery, which lets you place a hold on the funds needed until you're ready to submit a charge.
All set!
Wells Fargo Credit Connect
Because you're using a simpler way to process applications and transactions.
It frees you up to do what you do best.
Let's get you connected, call today.